As a socially responsible company, our efforts get highlighted in the areas of community development and welfare where our key aspects are infrastructure development, child protection and child development, people development, property development, community health and motivational initiatives, employee training as well as in sound human resource practices. Some of the projects we carried out were supported by the State Ministry of Infrastructure Development, the plantation Human Development Trust and the National Housing Development Authority and by NGO’s.
- Horana Plantations PLC was signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the
Faculty of Agriculture and Plantation Management, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka to
strengthen Research and Development based on Advanced Technology in Plantation
management in order to improve innovative eco-friendly concepts while exploring
science based solutions for emerging agricultural issues.
- Previous R&D Initiatives
- Slow-Releasing Fertilizer:- Development of cost-effective slow-releasing fertilizer mixture for the mechanical plucking seedling teas. This study was conducted as a joint venture with CIC fertilizer (Pvt)Ltd.
- “Now Cast” Weather app:- Trial with dialog for a weather app, which provides weather forecast for the next 6 hours as management considered. Real-time weather forecast is more beneficial in operational decision-making in particular on rubber estates
- Digitalization of latex weighing:- HPL experimented to use the latest IoT Technology using UV scanners and sensors to measure the literate instead of dipsticks
- Determine the effectiveness of activated carbon dust use in the production of solid compost
- On-Going Research Projects
- Development of an automated temperature-controlling system to reduce withering time
- Impact of Incorporating Bee-Keeping System for Oil Palm Plantation
- Determination of caffeine content to Find the Quality of Coffee by Changing Processing criteria
- Determination of Sugar Content (Glucose, Fructose & Sucrose) which effect on the quality of seasonal Tea
- Evaluation of Fertilizer Application using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Technology in Sri Lankan Tea Cultivation
- Evaluation of ideal firewood mix as the thermal energy source for the tea drying process upcountry in Sri Lanka